8 reasons why choose Blood Academy
So why choose us? Blood Academy is an extensive resource database that provides high quality material to aid your revision for the Haematology FRCPath exam.
You will find our website is for everyone with an interest in haematology, from medical students, biomedical students, junior doctors and haematologists.
1. Extended matching questions and multiple choice questions
A broad question bank covering all aspects of clinical and laboratory haematology designed to focus and improve, as well as test your knowledge.
2. Essay questions
A monthly mock essay paper with questions ranging from malignant haematology to haemostasis and thrombosis. Once you have had time to give it a go, an outline answer will be given to allow you to focus on filling any gaps in your knowledge and strengthen your exam technique.
3. Just like using a microscope
Questions that incorporate slide images have been reproduced using the latest cutting edge slide scanning technology, to give you the same experience as viewing them directly under a microscope. As a result they have exceptional features including step-less zooming to x80 magnification, accurate colour replication and smooth navigation between slides to give you a solid foundation in morphology.
4. Integrated diagnostic cases
With a mix of over 80 common and rare cases and over 300 questions in our diagnostic section, a vast range of topics are covered. In addition to morphological diagnoses, you will also be tested on the interpretation of other diagnostic techniques ranging from immunophenotyping and gel electrophoresis to haemoglobin high performance liquid chromatography.
5. Transfusion
There are a range of free text questions using a case based problem solving approach to test your application of transfusion knowledge. Scenarios include the management of transfusion reactions, dealing with transfusion in rare blood groups and regulatory aspects of transfusion.
6. Laboratory management
These questions are focussed on the interpretation of external quality reports (e.g. NEQAS). The questions will test your knowledge of practical implications and your response to when things go wrong.
7. Test your clinical knowledge and compare your answers
Fully referenced detailed explanations with model answers are provided in parallel to your own allowing you to identify any areas in need of improvement. Tables within the answers also provide a summary of key learning points to give you the essential information in bitesize nuggets.
8. And finally, written for haematologists, by haematologists
Our team’s goal is for you to feel confident and able in your knowledge as well as your field of work and of course, pass your exams!