Advanced Haemostasis and Thrombosis Course

Blood Academy · December 10, 2023

Welcome to this live online course, an opportunity to challenge yourself on various issues in haemostasis and thrombosis. We will cover various common and not-so-common topics and reflect on some of their laboratory and clinical facets.

The March 2025 course has concluded, but you can access the session recordings until 1st May 2025 for continued learning. Register now for our next course in September 2025 (date TBA). 

Our tutors bring a wealth of experience as practising haematologists and previous Royal College of Pathologists examiners. This course is ideal if you are preparing for various exams, including the FRCPath part 2 haematology, RCPA haematology and IBMS speciality exams.

Course fee: £138 (individual price) or £239 (included in the FRCPath part 2 package) 

Course details

This is a case-based course, with each half-day covering a specific topic. 

To get the most out of the course, it is recommended you review these cases before attending the live sessions. 

The course tutors will review each case, highlighting the important learning points. It is expected the delegate will assess their own answers.

The live sessions will be broadcast over the Zoom webinar platform. On the days of the course, please go to the ‘Notebooks and Zoom Links’ tab to locate the Zoom links. 

Please ensure you have the Zoom platform accessible on your device.

Download and print the course notebooks to write your answers and learning points. They can be found under the Course Resources tab below.

Don’t worry! We will upload edited versions of the live sessions for you to view at your convenience. 

The recordings will be available until the 1st July 2025.

By accessing this website and participating in this course, you agree to the conditions outlined in our ‘Terms of Use’ and ‘Privacy Policy’ pages. We strongly recommend you review these pages. 

About our speakers

Dr Deepak Chandra MBBS, MD, MRCP, FRCPath

Dr Deepak Chandra is a Consultant Haematologist at University Hospitals of North Midlands and Director of Staffordshire Thrombosis and Anticoagulation Centre. His specialist interests include haemostasis, thrombosis and immuno-haematology. He has contributed to NICE guidelines and has been an examiner for the Royal College of Pathologists for over 8 years.

Dr Jayashree Motwani, MBBS, MRCP, FRCPath

Jayashree is a Consultant Paediatric Haematologist at Birmingham Children’s Hospital since 2009. She is the Lead Consultant for Haemostasis and thrombosis and Centre Director for the Haemophilia Comprehensive Care Centre and Centre of excellence for ITP. She also contributes to the Leukaemia Service provision at the Children’s Hospital. Jayashree is responsible for providing care to children with bleeding disorders including Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) and thrombotic problems. She is involved in several research projects and trials in this field including newer long acting recombinant factor products, TPO mimetics and newer novel anticoagulants. She is has been an examiner for the Royal College of Pathologists for over 5 years.

Dr Will Lester MBChB(hons), BSc, FRCP, FRCPath, PhD

Dr Will Lester is a Consultant Haematologist at University Hospitals Birmingham, Queen Elizabeth and Birmingham Women’s Hospital and is an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Birmingham. He has received two thrombus innovation awards and has published papers, guidelines and book chapters in the field of thrombosis, haemostasis and immuno-haematology. He is co-chair of the UKHCDO Laboratory working party, secretary of the NEQAS blood coagulation steering group and vice chair of the BSH Haemostasis and Thrombosis guidelines taskforce and a member of the UKHCDO VWD working party. His PhD theses was on the molecular biology of type 1 VWD He has been local principal investigator for a number of trials including phase 1 studies, has been an invited speaker for numerous professional organisations nationally and internationally and has contributed to the work of various national bodies including NHSE and NICE. He has been a Royal College of Pathologists examiner for over 10 years.

Amir Hayat
Amir Hayat
Haematology Trainee
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The course is very interactive and frcpath haematology part 2 exam based. It provides you opportunity to be ready for actual exam viva. It helped me a lot in relieving exam viva anxiety. I would highly recommend it to my colleagues.
Mehmood Hussain Zaidi
Mehmood Hussain Zaidi
Haematology Trainee
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Excellent course.
Nida Anwar
Nida Anwar
Haematology Trainee
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Excellent for exam preparation, exam oriented cases, useful tips and viva preparation.
Faiza Noor
Faiza Noor
Haematology Trainee
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The course was concise and relavent to exam. The model answers were really helpful.
Haematology Trainee
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Well considered course. Helpful tips on how to navigate the "tricks and traps" in the coagulation paper. Knowledgeable speakers.
Mohamed Shaisha
Mohamed Shaisha
Haematology Trainee
Read More
Excellent course. Highly recommended.

About Instructor

Blood Academy

13 Programs

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Program Includes

  • 5 Lessons