CPD: Transfusion reactions

Dr Josephine McCullagh · July 30, 2023

Welcome to the online course covering the basics of Transfusion Reactions.

By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the subject and the knowledge and skills required to practice in this field confidently.

Course details

In this comprehensive online course on transfusion reactions, you will gain a thorough understanding of the various aspects related to transfusion medicine and how to recognise and manage transfusion reactions. The course is structured into the following chapters, each focusing on a specific area of transfusion reactions:

1. Introduction and Objectives

In this introductory chapter, you will be familiarised with the course’s objectives and what you can expect to learn throughout the modules. Key concepts related to blood transfusions and their potential risks will be discussed.

2. Definitions

This chapter will cover essential definitions and terminology used in transfusion medicine to establish a solid foundation for the rest of the course.

3. Recognition and Monitoring

In this chapter, you will gain insights into the importance of vigilant recognition and monitoring during and after a blood transfusion. You will learn about the appropriate steps to take when a transfusion reaction is suspected or confirmed.

4. Acute Transfusion Reactions

This chapter will focus on acute transfusion reactions that occur during or shortly after the blood transfusion. We will cover a range of acute reactions, such as haemolytic reactions, febrile non-haemolytic reactions, allergic reactions, and pulmonary complications. Detailed descriptions of the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and management of these reactions will be provided.

5. Delayed Transfusion Reactions

In this chapter, we will shift our attention to delayed transfusion reactions, which manifest 24 hours after a blood transfusion. Conditions such as delayed haemolytic reactions, transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease, and post-transfusion purpura will be discussed. You will learn about the diagnostic approach and management strategies for these delayed reactions.

6. Reporting

Understanding the importance of reporting transfusion reactions is crucial for ensuring patient safety and promoting continuous improvement in transfusion practices. This chapter will guide you through the process of reporting transfusion reactions to the appropriate authorities and how this contributes to the broader transfusion safety network.

7. Summary

In the final chapter, we will summarise the key points covered throughout the course to reinforce your knowledge and understanding of transfusion reactions.

We will use video tutorials with English captions and an end-of-course assessment that awards a certificate upon successful completion.

It is estimated this course will take you 1 hour to complete.

The target audience for this course are:

  • Biomedical scientists/medical laboratory scientists
  • Haematology trainees and consultants
  • Haematopathology trainees and specialists

Your course certificate will be available for download after successfully completing the course assessment. If you have difficulty downloading your certificate, please email admin@blood-academy.com for further assistance.

By accessing this website and participating in this course, you agree to the conditions outlined in our ‘Terms of Use’ and ‘Privacy Policy’ pages. We strongly recommend you review these pages. 

About our tutor

Dr Josephine McCullagh DClinSci FRCPath

Josephine is a Clinical Scientist currently working as the Blood Transfusion Clinical Lead at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust. She holds honorary contracts with NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) and Barts Health NHS Trust, where she has just completed her doctoral research into the introduction of Whole Blood for trauma in the UK. Josephine has recently completed a 5 year Higher Specialist Scientific Training (HSST) programme and is now a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath). Her main interests are transfusion education, patient blood management and the management of patients with acquired bleeding disorders.

About Instructor

+575 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Program Includes

  • 7 Lessons
  • 1 Assessment
  • Program Certificate