Understanding the necessity of microscopes begins with appreciating the minuscule size of blood cells. Red blood cells, for instance, are only about 6 to 8 micrometres in diameter, making them 200 times smaller than a single grain of sand. Without microscopes, visualising such tiny structures was impossible. Microscopes have revolutionised our ability to examine cellular details, vital for medical diagnostics and research.

Optical microscopes pass light through a specimen, which is then magnified by a series of lenses to produce a detailed image. This process allows for the detailed study of cellular morphology and pathology, providing crucial insights otherwise invisible to the naked eye.

Microscope Types

An optical microscope, such as a bright-field and dark-field microscope, is also known as a light microscope. They use visible light and a system of lenses to magnify small objects.

Optical Microscopes

Microscopes are vital in various fields, including haematology, enabling detailed examination of small structures like blood cells. Different types of microscopes serve specific purposes.

Electron Microscopes

Microscopy Electron microscopy is employed in industry and medical fields to visualise a range of structures, including subatomic particles and viruses, achieving magnification levels between 1 and 50 million times. In contrast, standard light microscopes can only magnify an image up to 2000 times.

Bright-Field Microscopy

Bright-field microscopes are the most commonly used in haematology. They produce a dark image on a bright background using a light source and multiple lenses to magnify stained specimens like blood films. This method provides clear images of cellular structures, making it invaluable for routine examinations.

Figure 5.1 - An example of a bright-field microscope image (blood film)

Dark-Field Microscopy

Dark-field microscopes create a bright image on a dark background by blocking most of the light. This technique is particularly useful for examining unstained specimens or structures that absorb little light. Dark-field microscopy is commonly used in microbiology to visualise microorganisms such as yeasts and spirochetes.

Figure 5.2 - Treponema pallidum spirochetes visualised by a dark-field microscope

Compound Microscopes

Compound microscopes utilise at least two sets of lenses—the objective and eyepiece lenses—to achieve higher magnification and resolution. The objective lens magnifies the specimen first, and the eyepiece lens further enlarges this image, allowing for detailed observation of cellular structures.

Understanding Lenses and Light Control

Microscope lenses are made from transparent materials, most commonly glass or plastic, and are curved to control the passage of light. The primary function of these lenses is to manipulate light through refraction. Refraction occurs when light passes through a medium with a different density, causing it to bend. This bending of light is essential for focusing the light onto specific areas of the observed specimen. By concentrating or dispersing light, the lenses enhance the visibility of minute details, facilitating effective magnification and visualisation of microscopic structures.

Magnification and Resolution

Magnification is the process of enlarging the appearance of an image, enabling the visualisation of small details that are not discernible to the naked eye. For instance, when examining a blood film under a microscope, magnification allows us to observe and differentiate between various types of blood cells, such as neutrophils and lymphocytes.

Conversely, resolution refers to the microscope’s ability to distinguish between two closely situated objects. In practical terms, without high resolution, closely located structures might appear as a single entity. For example, if a blood smear shows an area with overlapping cells, poor resolution might depict this as an indistinct mass. We can discern individual cells with greater resolution, such as identifying two neutrophils in close proximity. Thus, high resolution is crucial for clearly identifying and separating structures that might otherwise appear merged.

Resolution is expressed as a unit of length, typically in micrometres (μm). For instance, if the resolution of a microscope is 3 μm, it means that two objects must be at least 3 micrometres apart to be clearly distinguished from each other.