CPD: UK Legislation and Clinical Governance in Transfusion

Tony Davies · February 10, 2023

Welcome to the online course Transfusion Legislation and Clinical Governance course in the United Kingdom (UK).

By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the subject along with the knowledge and skills required to practice in this field with confidence.

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Course details

The course will cover the following topics in detail:

  1. European and British Legislation Relating to Transfusion – we will explore the various European and British laws and regulations that govern the transfusion industry. We will cover the legal framework surrounding transfusion in the UK.
  2. Drivers in Transfusion – we will examine the various factors that drive transfusion practices, including clinical, technological, and organisational developments. The section provides an in-depth look at the driving forces behind the transfusion industry.
  3. Standards in Transfusion – Finally, we will discuss the various standards and guidelines followed in transfusion practices. This section will cover the important principles and practices followed in transfusion to ensure safe and adequate blood transfusions.

We will use video tutorials with English captions and an end-of-course assessment that awards a certificate upon successful completion.

It is estimated this course will take you 1 hour to complete.

The target audience for this course are:

  • Biomedical scientists/medical laboratory scientists
  • Haematology trainees and consultants
  • Haematopathology trainees and specialists

Your course certificate will be available for download after successfully completing the course assessment. If you have difficulty downloading your certificate, please email admin@blood-academy.com for further assistance.

In line with Royal College of Pathologists (UK) advice, an activity should only be claimed for if an educational benefit has been gained by performing the activity.

The course is accredited by the Royal College of Pathologists (UK) for 1 CPD point.

By accessing this website and participating in this course, you agree to the conditions outlined in our ‘Terms of Use’ and ‘Privacy Policy’ pages. We strongly recommend you review these pages. 

About our tutor

Tony Davies BSc(Hons) MSc FBBTS

Tony has worked in Transfusion since 1980, becoming Chief BMS in 1989, then Transfusion Practitioner in 2003, and moving to a joint role with SHOT and the NHSBT PBM Team in 2007. He was a member of U.K. Better Blood Transfusion Network, BSH guideline writing group, and Associate Lecturer in BSc/MSc Biomedical Science at Manchester Metropolitan University. Since retirement he has supported the BBTS MSc course at Swansea University and is currently editor of BBTS Bloodlines.

About Instructor

Tony Davies

2 Programs

+508 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Program Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 1 Assessment
  • Program Certificate