Principles of Blood Collection

  • Ensure patient details on the slide match those in the laboratory information system to avoid misidentification, which can lead to incorrect diagnosis and treatment.
  • Preferably use the antecubital fossa for venepuncture due to its easily accessible veins (basilic, cephalic, medial cubital). Veins on the dorsal aspect of the hand are also options but generally less preferred.
  • Use alcohol swabs to clean the skin and wash hands with antiseptic agents. Disposable gloves and single-use equipment are critical to maintain hygiene and prevent cross-contamination.
  • Blood can be collected using the needle and syringe method or the vacutainer system. The vacutainer system is preferred because it reduces the risk of haemolysis and contamination.
  • Properly label samples with patient information and ensure request forms are accurately completed to prevent errors in laboratory investigations and patient identification.

Practical Aspects

  • Use a procedure tray to keep all necessary equipment sterile and organised. Wear single-use gloves and ensure the use of appropriately sized needles for the patient and procedure.
  • Follow a step-by-step process for venepuncture, including patient preparation, vein selection, site preparation, needle insertion, and final steps such as applying pressure and labelling samples.
  • Capillary blood collection, cord blood collection, and blood drawn from indwelling catheters are alternative methods used in specific clinical scenarios.

Safety Considerations


  • Prevent needlestick injuries by using safety devices, avoiding recapping needles, and employing proper hand hygiene practices.
  • Address potential complications such as haematoma, nerve damage, pain, infection, dizziness, and thrombosis by using proper techniques and patient care measures.
  • Ensure the blood collection area is clean, spacious, and equipped with the necessary cleaning facilities to maintain a sterile environment.
  • To prevent injuries and contamination, use clinical waste bins to dispose of biohazardous materials, including sharps and non-sharps, safely.